These past 2 weeks have been crazy busy in preparation for our annual pro photography awards. Between getting my submissions ready, and attending all the judging, seminars and awards night, it’s been nuts! Good nuts though! Now I’m trying madly (again) to get back on track with client work…. In between 2 more seminars this week…. Definitely not a quiet Winter for me…
No major awards for me this year, however, I did receive a silver distinction (score of 88) for one of my wedding images! So happy! My other pirnts all scored 78’s and 79’s and just 1 or 2 points off a silver award.
I entered Mel and Marco’s wedding album too, which scored a silver! And baby Zoi’s Christening also won a silver award.
Not a bad result at the end of the day… Gotta try harder next year though!
My Silver distinction at 88
The WAPPA team! Me on the far right. It feels strange to say, but after NINE years on the WA AIPP council, this year, I decided to resign and leave room for someone else to step in. It feels good and sad all at the same time. The friends I’ve made, things I’ve learnt and experiences I’ve had thanks to the AIPP have been invaluable. It’ll be nice to just be able to turn up to events without having to have organised them though from now on ๐