I rarely post any personal work on my blog. It’s a bit embarassing really. I should. I do take other photos aside from Bride and Grooms, people and families. Definitely not as often as I’d like, but hopefully that will change.
So a group of awesome local photographers started a photo walk group earlier in the year for us to get together once a month or so, and just shoot whatever we see. No restrictions. No judgement. Yesterday was the first time I was able to attend, and I loved it SO MUCH!
It was a bit of an eye opener. I hadn’t even realised just how much I missed taking photos just for myself and for fun. It’s been a loooooong time…
So, here’s what I got up to yesterday! Now because all of my retouching and ‘special effects’ for my client work is kept to a very natural, simple and classic look, I thought I should go to town with the post processing on some of these images, as I never get to do this type of retocuhing for work. So here they are! A bit different to my usual posts hey? Hope you like them!