So it’s the last day of 2012. It’s been an interesting year for me in a personal and business sense. It started by bringing in 2012 in New Zealand, and here I am in my pjs, posting this, waiting for my partner to come home so we can go swimming. It’s so hot!!!

I have a lot to be grateful for this year. Big things and little things. I’m grateful for my Partner and our loving relationship, I’m grateful for my Dad and all his support he’s given me this year and all years prior. And I’m also grateful for my Sister and her crazy boys and lovely Husband. My friends, well, I don’t have hundreds, but those who I consider my friends, are friends for life and I love them to bits.

I’m also very fortunate to have really wonderful clients (who may as well be extended family) who trust me and allow me to do what I do, the way I want to do it, especially for them. Thank you.

I’ve had the pleasure of working with so many wonderful wedding vendors in 2012, and at some gorgeous Perth wedding venues too. 

An amazing business opportunity has come knocking on my door, and I’ve been working on this new venture with one of the most welcoming, fresh, and innovative companies and groups of people for the past 6 months. All the hard work in brainstorming, testing the market, and perfecting our product will all come to fruition in Jan/Feb 2013 when we kick it off fully. This has meant a restructure of my business. I’ll be hiring new staff as soon as the holiday season is over. And I am absolutely NOT giving up weddings! This is an expansion of my business. Bigger and better for 2013! I will share more at a later date about this, but it’s awesome and I’m so happy to be a part of it. It will be life changing. 

It’s been so wonderful to also see so many of my previous wedding couples come back with their new additions to their families. I’m very humbled you keep coming back šŸ™‚

It’s definitely been a year of growth, changes and reflection, along with a few wake up calls. 

We lost our beloved dog Mango, fostered Teddy Bear for a few months, and then got Cheezels. My Nonno passed away, my Cousin got married in Italy, but unfortunately I couldn’t make it… I gave my Sister an awesome 40th bday present which she LOVES. I created a family album for her. We had a new patio built. I went to Melbourne for APPA. I witnessed my best friend Narelle marry the man of her dreams. I was a Bridesmaid. My other best friend got engaged and I’m shooting her wedding in Melbourne in March. I finally finished our photo wall at home, and it came crashing down on Boxing day šŸ™ I did some charity work, and organised a charity event raising $2200. I have a fantastic new accountant and book-keeper, and I hired a cleaner!!!!!!!!!! No kidding, that’s one of the highlights of this year!

I’m pretty certain 2013 is going to be a massive year for me (and my Partner). We’re celebrating our 3rd year anniversary in a few weeks, and decided to go down south for a few days and also celebrate my Birthday down there. Then we’re off to Melbourne in March for a week. New business venture is kicking in REALLY soon which means, working even harder and reaping the rewards! And as for the rest of the year? Who knows? Hopefully it will be a lot smoother than 2012 was. I feel like 2012 was our year to get a reality check on various aspects of our life and get our s**t together….

Anyway, I think that’s enough ramblings from me. I am SO, SO, SO, excited for 2013! And 2012, thank you for offering everything you did. 

Sooooooo…. here’s a montage of a selection of images from all my wonderful 2012 wedding couples! It was so much harder choosing these images than I thought!

A big thank you also to Erica D (aka Danny) and Narelle for being very important members of my business. I couldn’t run it all on my own.

Enjoy and have a wonderful New Year’s Eve. Welcome 2013!!!!!


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