bluewater grill wedding, mardie & co, matthew landers

In May, I got together with some of Perth’s most fabulously talented wedding suppliers, to create Perth’s first Virtual Wedding.

What’s a virtual wedding? Simply put, we set up Bluewater GrillĀ (BWG Steakhouse) to showcase what an amazing venue it is for both ceremonies and receptions. We invited couples from our joint databases, served food and drink, and had a ‘mock wedding ceremony’ which guests got to witness and be a part of, just like a real wedding. To say it was fabulous is an understatement, and it was certainly completely different to a typical bridal expo.

Guests then had the chance to see all contributing suppliers working on the day, and had the opportunity to chat to us about all things wedding. I adored being a part of this event, and seeing how the venue can be transformed to something so different than what we’ve all seen before. It was definitely inspiration to the max for those attending!

Here’s some photos from the event along with the list of epic suppliers:

Venue: Bluewater GrillĀ (BWG Steakhouse)

Wedding Planning and Styling: Mardie & Co

Flowers: Matthew Landers

Stationery: Lala Design

Furniture: Villa Kula

Cake & Sweets: Cake Love

Video: Inception Video

Lighting: Eighty Eight

Celebrant: Liz Hayes

Dresses: Loui Col Designs

Make-up: Kathryn Colgan

Dog: Complete K9 Solutions

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bluewater grill wedding, mardie & co, matthew landers

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bluewater grill wedding, mardie & co, matthew landers, loui col designs, villa kula perth

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